Saturday, October 22, 2011

2011 CLHS Graduation Magazine. Its OFFICIAL.

The CLHS 2011 Graduation Magazine.
Yes, some of you might've heard its release date is in December.
Some say its out before by Graduation Day.
Well, I'M here to answer your question.
The CLHS Grad Mag will be released and handed out on the 8th of December 2011.
IT IS LATE but think on the bright side,
we save the best stuff for last.

As we distribute our book, CLHS guys will also be recieving complimentary Tshirts,
a gift from us 2011 graduation magazine committee and also as a token of apology for having the book released so late.

For more pictures and a sneak preview of our 2011 CLHS Grad Mag cover,
log on to .
Once ur in, you'll see an awesome web border, and guess what, THATS out cover, so hope you guys like it. Feel free to ask me anything thats on your mind, anything that has
to do with the Grad Mag of course.

So do try to be patient? I'm not getting it any earlier
than you peeps are, so right now, all we can do is wait :D
Do stay logged on for more info,bye for now !

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